Person sitting on a dock fishing at sunset

Alabama's Hunting & Fishing Trail for People with Physical Disabilities

Person sitting on a dock fishing at sunset

This trail is a network of public and private recreational sites throughout the state, providing accessible fishing, shooting and hunting opportunities for individuals with physical disabilities. It was developed by the Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources in cooperation with a broad range of sponsors.

Hunting sites on the trail are provided by various public and private entities and managed by the Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries. Due to safety and liability considerations, certain limitations exist. Hunting is restricted to two or three days per week at each site so that deer are not pressured and forced to become nocturnal in their activities, and an individual may hunt on a given area only once every two weeks. Hunting is by reservation only, and each participant must check in and out on the date reserved. All hunting is from shooting houses located on wildlife openings. Participants in these hunts may bring a non-hunting partner to assist as needed.

Each hunter must complete an application available from the Wildlife Section, P.O. Box 301457, Montgomery, AL 36130–1457, or by calling (334) 242–3469. The application process certifies that individuals are physically disabled under guidelines established by the American Medical Association, Veterans Administration or the U.S. Social Security Administration.

For more information about the Alabama's Hunting & Fishing Trail for People with Physical Disabilities, please visit the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources website.

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